Helpful Resources & Links
Download this Sebastian Inlet Navigation Guide to help chart your course. Waterproof copies are available at the Sebastian Inlet District offices and at both State Park Ranger Entry Stations.
Sebastian Inlet Navigation Guide (PDF)
Downloadable Bathymetric Charts:These charts showing water depth are here to aid in the safe navigation of the Sebastian Inlet for all boating, fishing and outdoor recreation enthusiasts.:
Sebastian Inlet Bathymetric ChartSebastian Inlet Bathymetric Chart with Contours
Visit these helpful sites for more information about Sebastian Inlet State Park, the Sebastian area and our partners.
- Sebastian Inlet State Park
- Indian River County Sea Turtle Conservation Program
- Florida Institute of Technology (FIT) Coastal Engineering Lab-Sebastian Inlet Wave and Weather Station Data
- Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND)
- Sebastian River Area Chamber of Commerce
- Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)
- Florida State Parks
- Florida Institute of Technology (FIT) Ocean Engineering & Marine Sciences
- Coastal Connections, Inc.
- One Lagoon (National Estuary Program)