Central to our mission in maintaining the navigational channel connecting the Indian River Lagoon and the Atlantic Ocean, the Sebastian Inlet District is responsible for bypassing sand that migrates into the inlet system to downdrift beaches per the Florida Beach & Shore Preservation Act, and conducts periodic dredging, channel maintenance and beach renourishment projects every 4-5 years. Employing a science-based approach, the District continously monitors the accumulation of sand in the 42-acre depression within the inlet (known as the sand trap) and the navigational channel through its research partnership with Florida Tech and semi-annual bathymetric surveys of the entire inlet system and backwaters.
The Sebastian Inlet District installed and maintains navigational channel markers leading to the inlet from the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) in the interest of public safety, and also maintains the infrastructure of the inlet to include both the North and South jetties, the T-dock, as well as the shorelines on either side.
The 6-acre Dredged Material Management Area (DMMA) built and managed by the Sebastian Inlet District is located Northwest of the tide pool as serves as a sand storage site for emergency beach fill and dune repair. The District routinely works with marine scientists to conduct both permit-required and non-permit required biological monitoring of the critically important habitats surrounding the inlet that support a broad range of different species. These habitats include the seagrass beds on the Western flood shoal, the nearshore hardbottom reef just South of Sebastian Inlet and area beaches located within the Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge.
The Sebastian Inlet District works closely with its partners at Sebastian Inlet State Park, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and other local, state and federal agencies. Since 2008, the District has secured $12.5 million in cost-share grant funding from the FDEP Beaches and Funding Assistance Program in support of its projects. For more information on any District project, call (321) 724-5175.